Quick Installation (If you haven't a Ixemul environment installed on your system) : - PUT the contents of L,DEVS and LIBS to L:,DEVS: and LIBS: - Run 'gg-startup' - Go to the 'usr' directory and run 'ksh'. Then execute the 'execute_me' script. You can leave the ksh shell by typing 'exit'.(This step has to be performed only ONCE. Next time, you only need to run 'gg-startup' before using Lynx) - Modify the file 'lib/lynx.cfg' if you want to customize Lynx - Run 'ksh' (Not neccesary) - Run 'lynx' - When inside lynx, press 'o' to go to the options menu. Modify it and save the changes to disk. - To get help, press the 'h' key - If strange characters appears on the screen, use CTRL-L to refresh it - I've included 'wget' as external downloader tool for both http and ftp transfer. You can use it by pressing '.' instead 'd' to download files. This allows you to navigate while downloading files. - Remember that paths have to be like: /device/path or /assign/path (for example, if you wanna read menu.html in dh0:internet/docs, you have to type use file://localhost/dh0/internet/docs/menu.html) (this is important for file://localhost/ accesses, and for lynx.cfg modifications) Hope this is enough. Please download latest ixemul libraries before using this program. (Available at Aminet under util/libs) Email me if you've probs: FrEdY (maniac@mx3.redestb.es)